Core Prime

Monday, December 05, 2005

It's Starting to Feel a Lot Like Christmas

I set the alarm for ten o’clock this morning so Kevin and I could wake up in time to talk to Mom and Dad. Dad called the day before, but we’re still asleep, and they were also on their way to Grandpa’s. So today was the day. It’s always nice calling home, especially when you can talk as long as you want (or as time permits) because it’s free. Plus this time Kevin brought back his webcam so we could show our parents our new haircuts and have a shaky video tour of the house.

Kevin and I, we cut each other’s hair. Not only does this save us money, at least $30 every time; but from past experiences, it’s hard to get a good haircut around town; plus when you’re doing it yourself, it’s easier to get it just right. The only downside is that for this time, we started a bit late, so it took us until late night to finish.

After a nice chat with our folks, we had, or more like finished, the last of my turkey lasagna extravaganza for lunch. It’s nice not having to cook up a meal, but just reheat, and voila, eat and enjoy. I guess it’s a good plan, especially when homework and studies are a bit tight. The only downside is that there isn’t that much variety; it’s basically the similar meals all throughout the week. However, taste bud satisfaction aside, I do make sure that I eat a healthy and balanced diet.

As for the main event, it would be attending “The Greater Lansing Symphony Orchestra presents Jingle Bell Pops”, with tickets courtesy of the lovely and talented Yo-fan. It was quite a fun concert. Kevin and I dressed up, at the expense of Tammy jesting us, at least in good nature… I think. She wanted to take pictures and stuff, and I bet by this time of the day, she already has the photo album uploaded and all that. Oh well, what can you say, it’s not like we dress formal (in this instance, semi formal because sans tie) everyday, nor that she gets to see it often. So I guess she was quite… “bewildered” by our attire?

The concert itself was quite nice, with musical numbers such as “The First Noel”, “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”, some very memorable scores from “The Nutcracker”, and many more Christmas Holiday tunes.

The choir composed of Okemos High School Concert Choir and Someko Singers as well as Everett High School Choir was lovely. They were very good and as a group, very good sports. They stood in the back, regardless if it was their turn to sing or not. If it was me, I would be fidgeting like mad.

In the end, there was even a sing-along. The tunes were quite familiar, but the lyrics, not so much. Plus, according to Tammy, people (including my brother and I) were a bit too uptight and didn’t go along with the whole atmosphere.

After the concert, we waited at Wharton Center, hoping to meet up with Yo-fan for some dinner and stuff. I guess there was mis-coordination on my part. I didn’t tell her about it before hand, so in the end, we didn’t have the honor of inviting her for dinner. I imagine it would have been great fun, hearing her talk about the experiences of playing in a Symphony Orchestra.

However, dinner was still a joy. We “rescued” Zoya from her treacherous studies (I’d say treacherous because it seemed from her that it was really tough) for a relaxing meal at Golden Wok with Kevin and myself, plus of course Tammy. We had some appetizers before dinner, which were IMO, huge fried dumplings, then we had three main courses (soup beforehand was complimentary), and some dessert, plus also fortune cookies. Mine was quite the romantic, stating, “Because of your melodic nature, the moonlight never misses an appointment.” Plus lucky numbers 44, 49, 8, 24, 32, and 20. What a way to ruin something so poetic.

Since I mentioned Zoya, there’s a cool story about her being our long-lost sister, but I’ll write that down some other time.

So, that brings us to tonight and me sending Kevin back to his warm dorm. Hey, that kind of sounds funny.

P.S. By the time I posted this entry, I noticed that there was a comment about me missing a previous date and its corresponding entry. I have already filed the appropriate response with “…”.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to say in Saturday ??
好啦 我挑了幾張你們的照片放在日記上

1:01 AM  
Blogger paul said...

yup, this Saturday eludes me...

and I don't have a problem with that, it's all good ^_^

8:23 PM  

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