Core Prime

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First Snow of Winter '05

Well, it has finally happened; it finally snowed. I guess it’s good enough of a signal as any that fall is past and winter is here. But it was rather anticlimactic, with barely inches of accumulation. I was hoping for something “grand”, like a snowstorm or something. At least then, it would truly feel like winter. Not to mention the shock value for those who are seeing snow for their first time!

After class, I gave my bro a call, asking him if he wanted to see an advance screening of “Just Friends”, starring Ryan Reynolds and Amy Smart. There was just this one review on, so I couldn’t tell if the movie would be worth watching, but regardless, Kevin wasn’t that keen on going, so I guess it’s just me and my lonesome. Hopefully it won’t be a headache inducing festival as was Domino.

After the call, I gave a quick check on the things I had to do. Nothing much; just Macro homework due on Friday. But what usually seems “not much”, more often than not amounts to hours of work (more like staring at the question for half and hour, than reading and re-reading everything up until that point).

I also decided upon the weekend activities; the main one being going to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I was aiming for a Sunday, late night viewing, but although it would be prime time for avoiding obnoxious child-fans; class the next morning shot that plan down. So Saturday night was chosen. However, lots of people I wanted to watch the movie with had a group thing that evening, so either I could choose a later time, or I could persuade them to skip early and join me and my brother for some witchcraft and wizardry.

As for progress on the whole home improvement thing, I would say the weather may put a damper of sorts, but I think there is still time (as there always is) to do things and get things done. Hopefully, Kevin and I can get everything, as in those most essential, done before mom’s visit next March.

Back to the whole movie-going thing, I sent Tammy a MSN message, seeing if she and the Owen gang would like to go together. She mentioned about going to the group and there was sort of back and forth on how to plan and proceed. In the end, communicating over the phone was way easier than typing on MSN. During the call, she also mentioned today being Owen Hall’s 150th anniversary or something, and that the menu looked great and the atmosphere was very jovial.

I decided to go and enjoy some food, then stay and write up my homework. There’s something about the comfort of one’s own home that makes it hard if not impossible to seriously concentrate. Once I arrived at Owen Hall, while waiting for everybody to show up, I checked out the various displays depicting the history of MSU both in words and photos. There were also cheese and crackers, plus some fruit punch with a neat automatic dispense thingy.

Once everyone arrived, that being Arthur, Becky, Tammy and myself; we headed into the cafeteria for some “good” food. I think “good” may be too strong of an adjective. It’s institutional food after all, but any food I don’t have to cook and clean up after, usually is “good” in my book; even if the steak did seem a bit sour and dry. The cheese and broccoli were okay though, and least I forgot, the cake-with-ice-cream-combo was great. That is, until they ran out of good cake.

Dinner conversation was lively and fun, not that I mind sharing the details, but at this moment, the topics elude me. But it was a good time all around. After dinner, we all went for some pictures outside in the snow. Becky missed out on that before dinner, so we definitely had to make it up for her. Perhaps I should get myself a digital camera, so besides words of description, I actually have the photographical evidence to back things up. Hint! Hint!

After dinner was homework study time. I got the most pertinent question figured out, which took me until like 22:00. That was good enough for the day. So I bid adieu to Tammy who was still working on her paper and drove home.

It’s nice to be home, but I have to remind myself to get some salt for the sidewalks and driveway. Don’t want to break any bones, at least, not any before the prelims.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

只是...回到房間後 我就沒有在寫功課了
唉唉 真糟糕 難道房間真得很難寫功課嗎=,=

11:47 PM  
Blogger paul said...

wow... my blog has been up less than a week, and I'm already getting ads/spam in the comments...

Tammy, thanks for your critique and encouragement, I'll be sure to check it out next morning...

9:28 AM  

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