Core Prime

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Cool, Another Birthday Party

Because of the late night working on the homework, I missed the alarm. It’s actually more like I heard the alarm and choose to ignore it by turning it off. By the time I woke up “naturally” it was way past the recitation time. I thought that given my previous record of attending, I could miss one, just for the heck of it.

Since I reached the conclusion that I’m not going to campus, might as well make myself useful at home. So I decided on doing some household chores, such as banking and organizing the books and stuff. I got a call around 12:30 from Tammy asking about the shopping trip this afternoon. We had it previously scheduled at 13:30, but I asked her if we could postpone it until 14:00 so that I could time it with the time I pickup Kevin at around 18:00.

I took a quick shower and left around 13:45. By the time I got to campus, it was five until two. The weather was gray and rather depressing. I never did like this kind of weather. It seems to be light out, but in reality, it was overcast and very cloudy. The overall feeling was just, well, “gray”; but at least it wasn’t raining. With the occasional gust of chilly wind and the sight of bare trees just gave a atmosphere of “dread”. I saw cemeteries that looked more cheerful. I just wished there would be tons of snow on the ground to cover all the gloomy feeling and hush everything.

Tammy and Becky arrived, then Arthur. We proceeded to Meridian Mall to shop. Our main purpose was actually to purchase gifts for the three birthday stars (two gals and a guy) this evening. We had a discussion on what to buy them on Tuesday and sort of reached a general consensus. All we had to do was get it.

It was fun shopping with the Owen gang. It seemed like Arthur had a certain thing for hats, from his constant encouragement of Tammy and Becky to try on various head gear. I hope I didn’t put a damper on the party, because I guess it was the morning of chores that made me a bit tired. My legs started to feel rubbery after two or three incursions to the various boutiques in the malls. I wonder how I am ever going to shop with my girlfriend. Oh well, I guess this is all training for the inevitable.

In the end, we got a t-shirt that read “the Man, the Legend” with arrows pointed at the respective targets at Steve & Barry’s for Casey, a Clinique mascara thing for Vera (the girls assured me it was a good buy), and a Marshall Field’s makeup case plus chocolate (for two, wink!) for Edith.

After the gift buying, we all went to Meijer for some groceries. Becky got some Christmas cards for her pals back home in Taiwan. I wasn’t suppose to buy too many things. But every time they left the cart which I was in charge of, by the time they got back, I would have added it with another series of groceries. This time I got a dozen of store brand canned whole kernel corn, and a dozen of peas. It never hurts to stock up with the cold weather and all, not to mention my paranoia of alien invasions.

We actually made good on our schedule and arrived at Owen around quarter before six. I dropped them off and called Kevin. I picked him up at Holmes and proceeded to Nora’s house.

It’s been a long while since I went to Nora’s and church. It was nice seeing all the folk doing well. The food was excellent as always. (Thank you Hung ma-ma and all those who provided the beautiful and equally tasty courses). It was nice to see and chat with Anthony (Nora’s younger brother) about video games and stuff. I've also noticed that there was also a huge discrepancy in the girl-to-guy ratio. I wonder.

We left Nora’s at around 19:00 with three pots full of food and dessert. One was tea-boiled eggs, the other was a kind of soup thing (pe-dan sow-jur jeo) and last but not least, a dessert soup thing (kwui-yun tang). Haha, this is just like watching Firefly, with all the Mandarin reference and stuff.

I dropped Arthur, Kevin, Leo at the side door where it would be closer to the “dessert” room and parked my car. The session just started by the time we got in. After that, we divided into small groups for the study sessions. After that (I’m using a lot of “after that”, ain’t I), we then went for dessert and socializing. Since I haven’t been there quite a while, people or may I say friends, asked about my absence and that sort of thing. I had a particularly nice chat with aunt Tsai-Ping. I told her about me having a soft of “god-son” and finding my “long-lost” sis. It was fun.

After church, we proceed to Peggy’s house for the birthday party. Chen was supposed to follow me, but the occupants in his car actually lived there, so he was more than fine direction wise. It was us who had a “boo-boo” with the directions. We arrived at the place okay, but we parked in front of Vera’s place instead of Peggy’s place. Stupid driver (that would be me)! At least the three of us, as in Kevin, Leo and myself and a nice conversation about current events before we got to the "right" place.

The party was packed. There was like 30 people in there. Names were too numerous to mention, but suffice to say, I know most if not all of them there. Again, there was this discrepancy in M-F ration. I wonder again. Before everyone arrived, we watched a bit of the CGI-fest that is Matrix: Reloaded. When all have arrived, the birthday party commenced.

Vera and Edith have the same birthday, while Casey and Eric had the same. (We already celebrated Eric’s birthday the previous Saturday following Tammy’s focus group). We had cake, good, fluffy, creamy, and strawberry cake, congratulatory cards were given and read, and then it was time for gifts. Aside from the lock on the makeup case, all was good.

Between all the wishes, eating cake, and gift giving, there was this thing about getting “creamed”. Owen had this huge plate of leftover icing/cream from the cake and was poised to strike at any unsuspecting victims, namely the birthday girls and boy. Hilarity ensued until it was time for games.

Gigi and Chen-yun were the de-facto host and thought of curious and sometimes, *#$&% ways of torturing the contestants. Edith, was to be kissed by her beloved Jason for ten seconds. Owen was pie’d by Casey (Oh the irony), and Vera had to eat the same chip with Gigi.

The party lasted after 01:00, all the while of which we were constantly worrying about being too loud and having the police break down the door. I drove Leo and Tammy back to their respective dorms, and then drove back home and basically crashed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First Snow of Winter '05

Well, it has finally happened; it finally snowed. I guess it’s good enough of a signal as any that fall is past and winter is here. But it was rather anticlimactic, with barely inches of accumulation. I was hoping for something “grand”, like a snowstorm or something. At least then, it would truly feel like winter. Not to mention the shock value for those who are seeing snow for their first time!

After class, I gave my bro a call, asking him if he wanted to see an advance screening of “Just Friends”, starring Ryan Reynolds and Amy Smart. There was just this one review on, so I couldn’t tell if the movie would be worth watching, but regardless, Kevin wasn’t that keen on going, so I guess it’s just me and my lonesome. Hopefully it won’t be a headache inducing festival as was Domino.

After the call, I gave a quick check on the things I had to do. Nothing much; just Macro homework due on Friday. But what usually seems “not much”, more often than not amounts to hours of work (more like staring at the question for half and hour, than reading and re-reading everything up until that point).

I also decided upon the weekend activities; the main one being going to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I was aiming for a Sunday, late night viewing, but although it would be prime time for avoiding obnoxious child-fans; class the next morning shot that plan down. So Saturday night was chosen. However, lots of people I wanted to watch the movie with had a group thing that evening, so either I could choose a later time, or I could persuade them to skip early and join me and my brother for some witchcraft and wizardry.

As for progress on the whole home improvement thing, I would say the weather may put a damper of sorts, but I think there is still time (as there always is) to do things and get things done. Hopefully, Kevin and I can get everything, as in those most essential, done before mom’s visit next March.

Back to the whole movie-going thing, I sent Tammy a MSN message, seeing if she and the Owen gang would like to go together. She mentioned about going to the group and there was sort of back and forth on how to plan and proceed. In the end, communicating over the phone was way easier than typing on MSN. During the call, she also mentioned today being Owen Hall’s 150th anniversary or something, and that the menu looked great and the atmosphere was very jovial.

I decided to go and enjoy some food, then stay and write up my homework. There’s something about the comfort of one’s own home that makes it hard if not impossible to seriously concentrate. Once I arrived at Owen Hall, while waiting for everybody to show up, I checked out the various displays depicting the history of MSU both in words and photos. There were also cheese and crackers, plus some fruit punch with a neat automatic dispense thingy.

Once everyone arrived, that being Arthur, Becky, Tammy and myself; we headed into the cafeteria for some “good” food. I think “good” may be too strong of an adjective. It’s institutional food after all, but any food I don’t have to cook and clean up after, usually is “good” in my book; even if the steak did seem a bit sour and dry. The cheese and broccoli were okay though, and least I forgot, the cake-with-ice-cream-combo was great. That is, until they ran out of good cake.

Dinner conversation was lively and fun, not that I mind sharing the details, but at this moment, the topics elude me. But it was a good time all around. After dinner, we all went for some pictures outside in the snow. Becky missed out on that before dinner, so we definitely had to make it up for her. Perhaps I should get myself a digital camera, so besides words of description, I actually have the photographical evidence to back things up. Hint! Hint!

After dinner was homework study time. I got the most pertinent question figured out, which took me until like 22:00. That was good enough for the day. So I bid adieu to Tammy who was still working on her paper and drove home.

It’s nice to be home, but I have to remind myself to get some salt for the sidewalks and driveway. Don’t want to break any bones, at least, not any before the prelims.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Gloomy Weather, Gloomy Outlook

The seminar this afternoon was very “informative”. Informative in the way of knowing more about the history of Taiwan that has led to this current situation, and informative as in knowing that there is no clear solution in sight.

If by solution, however difficult, could be obtained, I would say those wary of war, wary of the constant bickering or even warmongering, would find a general consensus. But if pigs had wings, it would fly.

Regardless, I would say Prof. Williams did an excellent job of describing the various groups, or “identities” present in Taiwan. In the hour long presentation, he went through a brief history of Taiwan and of her people as well as the precarious situation that all those involved are in. Divided by ethnicity, political ideology or a combination of both, it’s hard to see a clear end in sight; coupled with the region’s volatile nature, perhaps “status quo” is what should be maintained, at least, for now.

But what of the respect that should have been and should be there now for the Taiwan people? What of their dreams? Should they accept and suffer in silence, the treatment dispensed by the international community? Or should they become their own masters, even with the risk of war, just to assert their rights?

Like the weather today, gloomy.

Surviving SPEAK

I woke up early this morning, not only out of habit, but because I needed to find something important. I went through my backpack, checking through all the binders/folders and notebooks, looking through every nook and cranny, trying to find my exam ticket. After hours of searching, I gave up and called ELC about it; they said it wasn’t important at all. All I had to provide was proof of identification. Neat!

Turns out she was exactly right; at the check-in, they didn’t even ask/look for it.

As for the test itself, it was quite a novel experience. Hopefully the mic picked up everything that needed to be recorded, and nothing else. Our department had quite a showing there and it was nice to see some familiar faces before an exam. I wonder if come prelim time, the situation would be the same.

The test lasted about 20 minutes, much shorter than I anticipated. After the test, I debated staying on campus or going back home. Heck, I even brought my lunch. In the end, the bus schedule (of 10:45) helped my decision, not to mention many of my classmates decided on going home. It’s good to be back, if just for a short while before going to class again. Not to mention coming home with the nice scent of fresh bacon and tea in the kitchen and seeing Jessica welcoming me. But it’s mostly her wanting fresh greens more than anything.

Upon sitting in front of the computer and typing this, it occurred to me that today was a special day. Not because of the weather, but because in one week’s time, next-gen gaming kicks off. Xbox 360 is coming. It’s not an announcement, not a viral marketing campaign, but it actually will be here. I didn’t pre-order, nor will I wait in line at midnight to get one. Although I may just drive around midnight to see what the frenzy is all about.

I’ll get my 360 when Halo 3 launches. I want to see and play MC, I want to see the continuation of the saga. Hopefully by then, with the subsequent launch of PS3, the 360 will be cheaper and/or there might be a bundle deal. Hey, Mr. Gates, you sure Halo 3 is going to be ready at PS3’s launch? Because that would be so “righteous”.

After class this afternoon, I’ll stay on campus and do some homework; at least, that’s the plan. Later on this afternoon, at 16:00 at 303 International Center, Jack Williams (MSU, Department of Geography) will be presenting “Democracy and Identity in Taiwan: Past, Present and Future.” This is the last of the series, and I hope I can at least catch this one.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Start of Something New

Where to start? I was browsing the web, catching up on the daily happenings in our troubled little world, checking out the latest from PvP and PA when I decided to check out Tammy’s blog, well, it’s the first time in a long while that when I checked her blog, it was actually down. I presumed it was “under construction” and of course, my assumption was correct. Later on during the day, around 20:00 when I checked again, it was back up and running, with nice music to boot.

That, plus the every so often emails to my folks prompted some digression which led me to this point, the start of “another” blog, one of a more personal nature, hopefully with consistency and longevity, plus the ability to serve as a reminder of things.

As for naming it Core Prime, it’s for those in the know. If you played RTS games, then it should be rather obvious; if not, then I’d say you are missing out on one of, if not the best, RTS game of all time, only and hopefully to be surpassed by Supreme Commander.

As for the creation of the blog itself, I was hoping for a grand launch on the first day of 2006, one with all flash and bling, but one can’t be too picking when thoughts start aflowing and words start acoming. So I’ll settle for today, marked November 14th, 2005.

As for today, the usual, went to class, did some school work, that sort of thing, but I guess when it comes to routines like this, it doesn’t hurt to be a bit more specific. So, hold on to your seats, cause you’re in for the ride of your life.

Seriously though, it’s nothing that earth-shattering, although I wouldn’t mind something like that, once in a while, where the effects are “enjoyable”. Back to the topic at hand, the more notable things were like sitting through a productive lecture times two of microeconomics with a complement of math due to the full and restful sleep I had last night, and actually “learning” stuff in econometrics class.

Usually econometrics is a tiring affair, the lectures are bland and the assigned book is more cryptic than helpful. Not to mention the fact of the class time, which is right after lunch without a nap squeezed in. I really miss the days back in high school when naps were MANDATORY. And to think that I abhorred the fact that it was required.

The lecture today was nice, nice in the way I could actually follow through without dozing off. Nice also in the way of learning things, even though I’ve been previously acquainted with the material; her (Professor “Emma” as she is affectionately called) way of explaining it, painstaking going over every step and detail actually did payoff today, at least to me.

After class, had a nice chat with Mohammed while waiting for the bus. We chatted a bit about the weather. He mentioned going back to California for the winter break and worrying about his car and stuff. I shared my experience of being in the flat plains of Saskatchewan where the cars had to be plugged in during the freezing days of winter. I guess from his expression he’s glad he isn’t there. I can’t blame him. Those were long days, long cold days, days where you left home in the dark for class, and came home in the dark after class. But that’s another story from another lifetime.

After I came home, gave my bro a call to take care of stuff which was due last Friday. It had to do with his scholarship and regardless of the work involved, it was a worthy endeavor.

On my way to pick him up on campus, we got a “serving” of Total Takeout good enough for one person for a meal. After completing the aforementioned tasks in the security of our fortress, ahem, home, we left with cans and bottles in the trunk of the car to exchange or more like, get our freaking deposit back.

On the way back to campus, he mentioned the time and decided to deviate from the schedule. So I dropped him off at his dorm, but not before getting another serving of Total Takeout. Off to Meijer I went, ready to stock up on whatever was needed, and not.

The cans were returned okay, but the bottles of Moosehead purchased over the weekend just didn’t want to be recycled. Given my thrifty nature, I took the bottles home and contemplated their future.

I bought quite a few bags of chips plus two heads of lettuce, which warranted a question from a cute clerk about having a party for the weekend (not because of the lettuce, of course. Thank you, Capt. Obvious!). I stated that it was just to stock up for whatever occasion which may present itself. She said she was having a party for the weekend, but didn’t have the chips. Hmm, perhaps I should have pitched in and offered her the chips in return for an invitation to her party. Oh well, shoulda, coulda, woulda.

Out in the parking lot I noticed a Chinese family with mom/dad and kids. I knew they were Chinese because they spoke the language. They put their groceries in the car, but didn’t return the cart. The cart return thing/area wasn’t very close to where they parked, but it wasn’t that far either. I could say they, as in the parents, they had more “serious” things to take care of, like their kids and the like, but in all honesty, they were lazy. Especially the dad; he was the guy with cart duty.

Not to mention the “parking-sharks” that were out in full force today. It must be the cold weather, plus the time of being the afternoon rush that people weren’t that patient, or more like, they can only be patient for something they want. I counted at least three cars in the lane waiting for previous occupants of valuable parking estate to throw in the groceries and leave so they may claim the spot as their own. Not to mention the one that blocked me from backing out (She wanted to take the Chinese family’s spot).

I just think that’s bad etiquette because it gives undue pressure on people to hurry up and “get lost”. Not that I won’t do anything like that in the future, but hopefully I’ll remember that it’s not a polite thing and refrain from doing so. And do remind me if I become that which I abhor.

Came back home, ate the two allotments of food while Jessica was busy chirping away. She wanted my attention because she wanted dinner. I checked her bowl, which was still full with pellets. I’ve recently purchased a bulk pack of Guinea Pig food at Walmart given the knowledge that I will certainly be taking care of her for more than an extended period of time. But I guess she doesn’t like the new taste. Well, she has to eat it; I’m not throwing that away and getting a new bag (previous brand one, if I can remember what brand it is). She’ll just have to eat that, and make do with the hay and lavish treats that I spoil her with.

During the course of my dinner, I noticed that she stopped chirping. I paused to listen and sure enough, she was eating the pellets. I guess she was hungry enough to eat what she needed to eat. Good girl!

That’s about it for the day, I’ll do some house work and prepare for the SPEAK test I have tomorrow. Hopefully that will go okay. It just seems kind of odd, given my background, that I have to take the test. I figured that with my formal academic training in English-speaking institutions for the past six years (four years of undergrad in Canada, plus two years of masters in Michigan, USA herself; not to mention whatever I had previous), I should have the necessary and sufficient English skills, speaking and such, to become a fully qualified TA. But rules are rules, so I’ll take the test and pass it, just to spite them, Haha!

At the end of this, which seems to be the start of something new, I would like to extend a thank you to a certain Tammy, who gave the inspiration and motivation (indirectly from her blog, but directly from my parents, which also indirectly came from…). Cheers, and see you tomorrow, if not, then the day after tomorrow, or... suffice to say, “Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow!” (I really like that shirt, bro!)