Core Prime

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hooray for Spring, Sort of

The last two days of the break was very nice. It wasn’t cold at all; there were gentle winds and warm sunshine, which made for a pleasant weekend. At night it was a different story, though. There was plenty of rain accompanied with lightning and thunder, but that is to be expected this time of the year. Plus, without the moisture, it would take longer for the grass to grow and flowers to bloom.

Witness the flowers in my front yard which have started to blossom. When I came home today, the violets were threatening to overtake the rest to be crowned queen of the garden. I bet in a day or two, if the weather sticks, all will be vying for attention and compliments.

One can also tell it is spring because of March Madness. It’s time for the "Big Dance", to watch games with friends and cheer on the home team; to celebrate when winning, and riot a bit if not. If this were any other year, I would be content to kick back and relax, but unfortunately, this year isn’t that year.

Now that spring break is over, a different countdown occurs for me and my peers. The ticking of the clock will seem that much faster, and the crossing-off of the days on the calendar will be that more urgent. It is sixty three days and counting till show-time and I can’t help but feel a bit anxious.

As for how productive this spring break was in terms of studying and preparing for the prelims, I would say it was okay. I could have put more effort into it, especially during the two weekends, but “should’a, could’a, would’a” and in general, I think I did a “good enough” job. But being “good enough” just might not be “enuff” this year.

So I shall continue the crank, with much appreciated assistance, and continue to work till that fateful day. Yes, it is that fateful.

On a lighter note, the fun thing is that over the break, almost everybody (or at least, those who I knew) went to Canada. Randy and Anna went to Toronto and so did Nick, who went with Marie, the two couples even met there for dinner. Nick and company went pretty much all across the heartland* of Canada and some more, driving about 2000 odd miles. I bet it was a great time. I always wanted to take a road trip for some far distance. We did quite a few as a family, but I wouldn’t mind going with my bro and see things from our own view.

*My definition of "Heartland of Canada" includes Toronto (Ontario), Montreal, Ottawa (Quebec).


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